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Article Posted • 02 Mar 2023

Hive Bradford take art into communities in Keighley

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Hive Bradford take art into communities in Keighley

Last month we supported the brilliant community arts charity, Hive Bradford, to deliver six creative visualisation workshops across two community centres in Keighley. Artist Musarat Raza worked with groups at Sangat Centre to create pieces of art printed onto canvas, whilst Claire Rookes engaged women at Roshni Ghar through a textiles weaving session. These workshops were well received with participants noting a positive impact on their wellbeing and motivation.

Hive Bradford will continue working with these groups to deliver more creative activity over the coming months.

Forming Part of

Amal’s Creative Visualisation Programme

This workshop was part of Amal’s Creative Visualisation Programme.  This allows community participants to take part in taster activities, encompassing a variety of art forms, that give them a better sense of the range of activities available to them.  We speak to people about what they might be interested in trying and then work to pair them with local Muslim artists who can provide an opening into that creative practice. This Programme leads to more regular and fulfilling creative engagement and helps seed the unleashing of a creative potential that might otherwise go unexpressed.