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Amal to Close in 2024

It is with sadness that we announce our decision to bring Amal’s wonderful seven-year journey to a close, a decision taken after long reflection. Amal’s journey has been a rich and illuminating one thanks to the growing community that has worked and walked with us - donors, partners, artists, participants, advisers, friends and staff. We thank you all.

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Discover the Partners and artistic leads from 13 Amal supported projects across Birmingham and Bradford

Explore the Projects

Changing the Narrative around Muslims in the UK to one that is Confident, Diverse and Just

We grow opportunities for Muslims to realise and share their full creative potential and so to tell their own stories.

Changing the Narrative around Muslims in the UK to one that is Confident, Diverse and Just

We grow opportunities for Muslims to realise and share their full creative potential and so to tell their own stories.

Explore the co-created projects we've supported through the Amal Connects programme in 2022-2023.

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Print & Matter, Birmingham

Print & Matter gave Muslims in Birmingham the skills and a platform to  explore connections between religious practice and artistic expression.

From Soil, to Clay, to Home, Birmingham

By exploring the concept of home and creating with clay, asylum seekers in Birmingham together built a new community and a new story of home.

Salaam'O'Salaam, Bradford

A pioneering dance project modelling a network of UK-based Muslim breakers, taking to the streets and spaces of Bradford and beyond.

The Nasheed Choir, Bradford

A project developing a new form of Nasheed music blending Muslim, British and South Asian heritages, performed by boys previously new to singing to a packed Bradford Cathedral.

Our Work

See how we have worked with communities, artists and arts organisations to bring about systemic change.

See more about our work

It’s time to change the narrative around Muslims in the UK to one that is confident, diverse and just. Help grow opportunities for Muslims to realise and express their full creative potential and so to tell their own stories. Why Care?

New Hope Global - Building confidence and community by reconnecting with heritage

“Holding on to our heritage is something I feel is really important... It has made me think about our roots and where our parents worked hard to be part of the UK.”

Read the Impact Story

BE FESTIVAL - Extending an arts festival’s reach into Muslim communities

“Working with Amal has led to positive change within our programming... We didn't have contacts in those communities.”

Read the Impact Story

Freedom Studios - Transforming a theatre company’s community engagement

“Without Amal we would not have reached into these communities, formed these relationships, and brought people together.”

Read the Impact Story

Jameela Khan - An emerging playwright reflects on her journey

“Jameela feels incredibly proud of Bird in the Window. Her support from Amal and the development of the piece helped her work out how to accomplish what she wanted.”

Read the Impact Story

Haseebah - Making being South Asian, Muslim and an artist normal

“Don’t be afraid, people assume that to be an artist you have to compromise your religion... I'm South Asian and female but being Muslim is really important to me and I didn’t have to hide anything."


Read the Impact Story