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Article Posted • 20 Nov 2023

Khalifa – Inheritors of the Earth

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Khalifa - Inheritors of the Earth

This month marked the successful conclusion of our latest workshop, Khalifa - Inheritors of the Earth, part of our Creative Visualisation programme, with participants from Young in Covid, a Bradford-based project that explores the impact of the pandemic on young people in Bradford via film. The session, held at the Khidmat Centre, was led by Sofia Buncy, who is well known for her pioneering work in the community, and artist Munaza Kulsoom.

The Creative Visualisation programme delivers workshops in Muslim communities in Bradford and Birmingham, providing a diverse range of artistic activities and producing unique artwork often inspired by themes in Islam. 

The Khalifa workshop provided an opportunity for creative engagement to younger audiences through the art of zine-making, with participants exploring the use of zine-making as a co-creative technique and discussing various climate issues in Bradford and how these affect the city in terms of air and noise pollution.  As one participant said: “Zine-making is a great way to express thoughts on particular topics”.