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Article Posted • 26 Nov 2021

Creative Visualisation community workshops in Bradford and Birmingham

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Creative Visualisation community workshops in Bradford and Birmingham

We are looking for artists with strong connections to and understanding of the Muslim communities across Bradford or Birmingham to deliver one-off creative, participatory workshops from February 2022 onwards. The aim of these workshops is to provide exposure to creative activity, helping community groups to visualise their creative potential.

This is part of Amal’s wider Amal Connects programme which will launch shortly. Amal Connects works to create a narrative shift around Muslim representation in the UK – how others view Muslims and how Muslim’s perceive themselves – through creative projects co-created by community groups with artists and arts organisations. See our About page for our Key Aims.

We envisage that these workshops will take place in person but are open to suggestions for online activity. All art forms are welcome. Artists do not need to have access to specific community groups – Amal can make these connections if required. If there is a particular community or demographic you would like to serve, you can include this information in your application.

Download the information pack for full application and fee details.

Applications close at 5pm on 24th December. Proposals should be submitted via email to

Forming Part of

Amal’s Creative Visualisation Programme

This allows community participants to take part in creative taster activities, encompassing a variety of art forms and giving them an opportunity to participate in activities they do not often, if at all, have the chance to experience. We speak to people about what they might be interested in trying and then work to pair them with local Muslim artists who can provide an opening into that creative practice. The hope is that this will lead to more regular and fulfilling engagement, that it will seed the unleashing of a creative potential that might otherwise go unexpressed.