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Our Track Record

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Our track record

Amal began life in 2017 as a grant-making programme of the Saïd Foundation. By 2023, we supported 78 partners to deliver 76 arts and culture projects across the UK. We embraced an ambitious new future as an independent charity with staff and trustees who are Muslim in their majority. Our new programme, Amal Connects, has already revealed a huge appetite among Muslim communities for creative engagement, a multitude of Muslim artists eager to put their ideas into practice and ways of enabling and incentivising them and mainstream arts and culture organisations to work together.

As the only initiative using a multiple arts and location approach focusing specifically on Muslims, Amal has developed assets over the last five years which make us uniquely placed to help Muslims in the UK, as individuals, artists and communities, to realise their immense creative potential. We are trusted by Muslims of widely differing backgrounds as well as by non-Muslims. We have built a community, whom we can consult, convene and connect, of partner organisations, artists, advisers and other supporters. We are a known brand in our key locations and with many arts organisations. We have prioritised learning, based on robust evaluation, and we develop our work on the basis of our learning.

Amal's impact 2017 - 2024