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Article Posted • 11 Nov 2022

First session of Print & Matter kicks off in Birmingham

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12 participants arrived at the Old Print Works in Birmingham to take part in the very first session of our Print & Matter project on Saturday 22 October. Sofia Niazi, project lead, was joined by artist Heiba Lamara who delivered a lecture on DIY publishing followed by a practical session. The group will spend the next few months exploring art making with a particular focus on printmaking through a series of lectures followed by practical sessions. They will look at how art making can help to improve religious practice and vice versa.

Print and Matter public Artist talks

There is a great line up of Artist talks taking place over the next three months at the Old Print Works. The events are open to the public and are free to attend with no booking required. Talks will be hosted with award winning photographer Mahtab Hussain and graphic novelist Sabba Khan, printmaker Taiber Akhtar, graphic designer Abeera Kamran and creative director Lisa Rahman. To find out more about the line up and for details of dates and times visit the Print and Matter page.

This project is BSL interpreted by Amina Bibi from Community Deaf.

Forming Part of

Amal’s Co-created Projects

This project is part of Amal’s Co-created Projects programme.  We support high-quality arts projects that are co-created by Muslims and creative professionals and showcased within the wider community. These provide Muslims with opportunities they would not otherwise have to express their creativity in ways that matter to them.  By enabling experimentation between Muslim artists and communities, these projects model ways in which the UK’s arts and cultural mainstream could more fully and authentically represent and engage Muslims as individuals and communities.