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Article Posted • 14 Dec 2022

Our Stories Through Nakshi Kantha Project Launch

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Impact Film
Amal’s Impact
Building confidence and community by reconnecting with heritage

New Hope Global launches stitching project to share migration stories of 50 local women on journeys from Bangladesh to Birmingham.

On 30 November Birmingham-based charity, New Hope Global, launched a stitching project that will share the migration stories of 50 local women. New Hope Global celebrated the launch by serving traditional food and encouraging conversation about migration and heritage. Women from Aston, Birchfield and surrounding areas were invited to learn more about what will be taking place over the next 12 months and how they can get involved.

The project will explore connections women have with Aston and the journey they made from Bangladesh to Birmingham. These stories will be told by using Nokshi Kantha, an age-old embroidery heritage art form notable to Bangladesh.

Artists Fateha Begum, Haseebah Ali and Abeda Begum will be helping participants tell their stories through drama, storyboarding, design and finally stitching to create a book, sari and other pieces that will be exhibited in September and November 2023. During the project participants will be visiting exhibitions and galleries to get more exposure to the arts but also to get ideas on how to organise and exhibit their own work.


New Hope Global

“There was so much enthusiasm and excitement about the new project with excellent feedback. Lots of fond memories were discussed with some tears too”

Centre Manager at New Hope Global

Forming part of

Co-created projects

This project is part of Amal’s Co-created Projects programme.  We support high-quality arts projects that are co-created by Muslims and creative professionals and showcased within the wider community. These provide Muslims with opportunities they would not otherwise have to express their creativity in ways that matter to them.  By enabling experimentation between Muslim artists and communities, these projects model ways in which the UK’s arts and cultural mainstream could more fully and authentically represent and engage Muslims as individuals and communities.