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Article Posted • 19 Dec 2023

Podcast with Catherine Roe

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Podcast Episode: Interview with Catherine Roe, Amal's CEO

This month Amal’s CEO, Catherine Roe, was interviewed by Reya El-Salahi about why Amal is closing in 2024, what has been achieved over its seven-year history and the lessons that others can take from Amal’s approach to shifting the dominant negative narrative around Muslims in the UK by growing opportunities for them to unleash their creative potential.  The interview was for Hyphenated, the podcast that explores issues that are important to British and European Muslims.  It ends with Catherine’s call to everyone who wants to live in a Britain where we are different but know what the things are that bind us together to play a part in countering those who want to polarise us.

Hyphenated Podcast with Catherine Roe, Amal's CEO