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Article Posted • 17 Nov 2022

Convening community groups in Bradford and Birmingham

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Convening community groups in Bradford and Birmingham

In early October Amal held a convening for local community facilitators in both Bradford and Birmingham.

Cartwright Hall and The Midland Art Centre welcomed representatives of various community organisations who were invited to take part in a discussion about the value of art and how it can be used to change the narrative around Muslims to one that is more confident, diverse and just.

Participants called for more visibility for Muslims through positive role models in both the media and within the community. Both convenings touched on the importance of starting with yourself by being an example to others. “Representation on all levels” was echoed throughout the room in Bradford as the group discussed how low levels of representation leads to a lack of confidence in everyone, particularly young people. In Birmingham participants discussed various layers of barriers starting within their own communities. They expressed the need for people to get involved in activities beyond their own communities and actively engage with those who have misunderstood Muslims, with opportunities for encounter needed as “a way to bridge gaps between people who normally wouldn’t interact”.

As the convenings came to a close, one Bradfordian shared: There is art in every person. Good art gets that art out of every person.


Birmingham convening

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Amal’s Convening Programme

We convene our stakeholders to share learning, develop mutual understanding and build a community of practice in the arts sector which fully represents Muslims as participants, audiences, artists, workers and leaders.