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Gallery Posted • 30 Apr 2020


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Impact Film
Amal’s Impact
Building confidence and community by reconnecting with heritage


Project Partner: P21 Gallery 2019/2021
Location: London
Programme: Part of Amal Programme 2019/2021

Two exhibitions at this London gallery in 2019, AMRA by Rayan Elnayal and Unveiled by Husam Al-Deen, highlighted the work of these emerging British-Sudanese and British-Iraqi artists and, through it, gave a deep insight into the hybrid cultures and experiences that are part and parcel of the lives of young British Muslims. In 2020 Alaa Alsaraji’s exhibition Mapping Sanctuaries and, in 2021, Youcef Hadjazi and Jessica Mallard’s installation Unnarrated explored themes around oral histories and traditions giving audiences an immersive experience around Muslim and Arab identity.  The artists developed their artistic and curatorial skills, building their visibility and industry connections.