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Projects Posted • 28 Sep 2023


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Kahaani with WomenZone
Kahaani has focused on working with Muslim migrant women to provide them with the space to share their stories of migration, leaving their countries of origin and building their lives here, in the UK.

Project Partner: WomenZone
Project Lead: Rubina Khalid – Co-CEO, WomenZone
Location: Bradford

In the safe space of WomenZone, a community centre in Bradford Moor (an area of deprivation), Kahaani used different art forms to help women who face a range of barriers to creative participation to tell their stories. Together, assisted by Director, Alex Chisholm, and Writer facilitator, Kauser Mukhtar, they co-created a performance which developed their inherent performance skills and gave them the platform to tell their stories powerfully on stage. 

In weekly workshops, the project gave the group of women an opportunity to converse, share their stories, and develop their skills, experiences, and confidence in performing in front of an audience. This work culminated in two sharings of their work, one at WomenZone and the second at Bradford arts venue, Kala Sangam.

Video credit: Keyhan Moderassi


The project created an environment which all participants perceived as secure and inclusive. Here, they felt free to share their personal stories, some of which were deeply intimate. The women entrusted the project's leads and the group to listen empathetically, emphasising the profound sense of safety and welcome cultivated during the Kahaani project. For many of these participants, this experience marked their first involvement in such activities or the first time since childhood. The Kahaani initiative significantly strengthened the women's expertise and capability to conceptualise, lead, and execute arts projects tailored for Muslim communities and involving Muslim artists.