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Community Development

Building stronger communities in our hub locations

Amal works, first and foremost, to build the creative capacity of Muslim communities.  This in turn enhances their sense of community as they own and experience their power to tell their own stories in multiple ways.

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The Situation

Muslims are the largest minority in the UK (6.5% of the population at the 2021 census).

Collectively, they are in the worst socio-economic position – in education, employment, housing and health. Discrimination is a principal cause of this disadvantage, discrimination that arises from a dominant narrative around Muslims in the UK which is negative, monolithic and stereotyping. To change this narrative to one that is confident, diverse and just, more authentic Muslim stories need to be told and heard. But levels of engagement in the creative activity that generates these stories are inevitably low because Muslim communities have to focus on meeting their basic needs and lack opportunities for accessible creative engagement.


Community development

Our Response

Amal works, first and foremost, to build the creative capacity of Muslim communities.

This in turn enhances their sense of community as they own and experience their power to tell their own stories in multiple ways. Strengthening community is about people doing things together, building trusted relationships, pursuing a common purpose in an atmosphere of generosity. Creative activities are ideal for this. Amal grows opportunities for creative engagement in multiple ways: through taster activities in communities that help them visualise the range of opportunities available to them; through the projects Amal supports that are co-created between communities and professional creative practitioners; by connecting communities to Muslim artists and mainstream arts organisations so they can work more closely together. We consult communities continuously about their aspirations and concerns and respond to what they say in everything we do.

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How your donation will help
  • £50 can contribute towards the general running costs of Amal
  • £75 can help give a taster workshop to a community group
  • £250 can enable the convening of community facilitators, artists, and arts organisations
  • £625 can contribute to the showcasing of art created in co-created projects and cross-community encounter activities

Monthly donations
  • £20 can provide more cross-community activities and engagement
  • £50 can allow regular convening sessions and build opportunities
  • £83 can allow more Muslims to take part in high-quality arts programmes
  • £125 can provide more projects and work across hub locations

From building community to bridging communities

We see the confidence of participants in our projects grow as they create work together that resonates with them, their wellbeing improve as they become more connected to others, their sense of belonging strengthen as they take the art work they have made together beyond their own communities to showcase it in mainstream venues and discuss it in wider society. These are cross-community encounters that celebrate and embrace difference, that place community members on an equal footing

with mainstream institutions and that model what a community of practice in the arts and cultural sector that fully represents and engages Muslims can look like. Your donations will enable the taster sessions that help communities decide how they want to express their creativity,  the convenings that build trusted relationships based on mutual understanding among communities, artists and arts organisations, and the showcasing of work created in our projects that enables cross-community encounters.

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